All About Ronar Lenses

Ronar lenses are about 340 to 2000 nm, and people can get an extensive line of LINOS F-Theta-Ronar Lenses for laser material processing applications like laser cleaning, marking, structuring, plastic welding, fine cutting, and drilling.

Designers will also get ultra-precise performance for their laser material processing system through the precision manufacture, highest-grade materials, and cutting-edge optical designs of the LINOS F-Theta-Ronar Lenses. The ronar lenses have two primary characteristics. When they have a scanning mirror in front of a lens that deflects a beam, they will have the scanned distance proportional to the scanning angle. They will also have a focus position over the whole scan field in a similar plane.


Users can utilize the laser’s extremely versatile potentials as a tool since it meets production processing demands by providing focusing systems. They can also guarantee the best processing results over the whole working field with the laser material processing of ronar lenses. These lenses also can contribute to their production requirements, particularly regarding sophisticated applications. Some of the wide range of applications are:

  • Cleaning for industrial products careful treatment through laser pulses and restoration projects like monuments.
  • Marking of automotive industry’s dashboard designs, in-glass, printing plates, ICs, and smart cards.
  • Perforating or structuring of metallic and nonmetallic materials without added materials like glass or solar cells.
  • Plastic welding for plastic material fusion without added materials.
  • Fine cutting and drilling of ceramics and metals like micro drilling in PCBs.

Focus-Ronar Lenses

When it comes to laser structuring, drilling, cutting, and welding, people can find high-precision applications optimization in LINOS Focus-Renar Lenses. Users can get Focus Ronar Lenses in optical glass, about 1064 nm and 535 nm, and fused silica of around 355 nm, and they cover focal lengths of around 58 to 122 mm. People will have a flexible lens exchange with no requirement for adjustment with a precision three-lens-element design.

They optimize focusing lenses for high precision applications, like in laser systems for structuring, drilling, and welding.


Focus-Ronar Lenses 355 nm has some of these specifications:

  • Damage threshold 5 J/cm2 at 355 nm, 5 ns, 100 Hz
  • Transmission ≥ 98 percent
  • Housing diameter 41 mm
  • High clear aperture up to 35 mm
  • Diffraction limited up to 17.5 mm (1/e2) entrance beam diameter
  • Full sized-silica designs
  • Three-lens-element designs
  • Flexible lens exchange without any adjustment
  • Focal lengths ranging from 58 mm to 120 mm

The Focus-Renar Lenses 1064 & 532 nm has some of these specifications:

  • The laser-damage threshold of about 6 J/cm2 at 532 nm, 6 ns, and 100 Hz
  • The laser-damage threshold of around 10 J/cm2 at 1064 nm, 9 ns, and 100 Hz
  • Good inspection performance at VIS wavelengths
  • The coating is optimized for 1064 nm, T(532 nm) ≥ 96 percent, and T ≥ 97 percent
  • Housing diameter 41h7 mm
  • High clear aperture of up to 35 mm
  • Three-lens-element designs
  • Flexible lens exchange without any adjustments
  • Focal lengths ranging from 58 mm to 122 mm

Apart from these types of ronar lens types, people can also quickly determine convex and concave mirrors’ curvature radius, lens focal lengths, plane plates’ refractive index, and laser collimation through Laser Optic Accessories.

Clare Louise

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